The Gemstones of Girona
Exhibition (September, 2008) of the Gems of Girona,
in Can Ninetes: “The precious stones of Girona”
opening day 10 at 8 pm
Gemma | Jaciment |
ACTINOLITA | Susqueda |
CALCOPIRITA | Massis del Montseny |
CONCHA | Costa Brava |
CORAL ROJO | Costa Brava |
CORAL NEGRO | Costa Brava |
CUARZO AHUMADO | Santa Coloma de Farners, Sils, Mallorquines |
CUARZO AMATISTA | Massis del Montseny, Sils, Mallorquines, Vidreres |
CUARZO VERDE | Costabona |
C CRISTAL DE ROCA | Osor, Santa Coloma, Sils, Arbucies |
DIOPSIDO | Massis del Montseny |
ESTEATITA | Massis del Montseny , Massanet de Cabrenys |
FOSILES | Amer |
HUESO | producte animal |
INESITA | Massis del Montseny |
JAMESONITA | Ribes de Fresser |
JASPE | San Marti Sacalm |
LAVA | Olot, Pla de Sant Joan |
LIDITA | Riu Ter i Tordera |
MARFIL Producte animal | Producte animal |
OPALO | Caldes de Malavella |
OPERCULO | Costa Brava |
ORTOSA | Massis del Montseny Mallorquines, Sils |
PERIDOTO | Canet d’Adri |
PIRITA | Massanet de Cabrenys, Massanes |
SEPIOLITA | Caldes de Malavella |
SERPENTINA | Massis del Montseny , Costabona |
SILEX | Sant Marti Sacalm |
TEXTURAS GRAFICAS | Mallorquines |
ZOISITA | Costabona |
Gem and writings
exhibition relating the gems to the library books
from 11 to 31 May 2012. At the Municipal Library of Salt (Girona)
Atrium Artis Foundation opens the exhibition:
Josep Mª Serrano i Montse Bagué
Gems and writings
Place: Coma-Cros de Salt Public Library (c/ Santa Antoni, 1.
17190 jump)
Opens: May 11, 2012 at 8 p.m.
Ends: May 31, 2012
From the most remote times man has had beliefs in virtue and the
gem power Some civilizations have been part of it
inseparable from their culture: China, Maori culture, cultures
Mesoamericans with the Jade, the North American Indians with the
turquoise etc. Here, in Catalonia, in the mines of Gavà it was extracted
(for more than a thousand years, in the Neolithic) Variscite with the aim of
create gems
Gems have been and are a source of interest from many points of view
sight; not only the purely ornamental. Gems are related
with multiple aspects of human knowledge: magical, scientific,
artistic, literary, religious and of power, beliefs and superstitions,
etc. The exhibition aims to relate the gems to the different ones
branches of knowledge, represented in the writings contained in
the books of the Library of Salt.
Coordination of the exhibition cycle: Atrium Artis Foundation
Idea and execution of the exhibition: Montse Bagué Cubí and Josep M. Serrano Serra
Carving of the gems of the exhibition: Montse Bagué Cubí and Josep M. Serrano Serra
Atrium Artis Foundation: C/Sèquia 11, 4art. 17001 Girona Phone 615695934